Sheetal Universal Limited IPO GMP Today, check Subscription Status

Sheetal Universal Limited IPO open on 4th Dec 2023, close date 6 Dec 2023 ,Share Allotment Thursday, 7 Dec 2023, Refunds Friday, 8 Dec 2023,Credit Share in Demat Account Friday, 8 Dec 2023 and Listing Date  Monday, 11 Dec 2023 they are issuing 3,400,000 equity shares at a face value of ₹10. 

Excellence is the focus of Sheetal Universal, a company well-known for manufacturing and exporting a broad range of high-end culinary equipment.Edible oil, sesame seeds, lentils, peanuts, and more are some of these components. With an equity share price of ₹70 and a share premium of ₹60, ₹2,380.00 lakhs were raised in total through the IPO. With the objective of constituting 29.68% of the post-issue paid-up equity share capital, this offering offers investors a delightful opportunity to partake in Sheetal Universal’s prosperity. Don’t miss the chance to benefit from this booming powerhouse of agricultural commodities’ future expansion.

Sheetal Universal Limited IPO GMP Today

The sheetal Universal IPO GMP for Rs 12 is Grey Market Premium, which means that the share price of the Sheetal Universal is trading at a rate of Rs 12 more than its IPO price. Premium in the grey market is considered by the base of the IPO price band or other factor, which is 17.14% higher than the current IPO price .

Sheetal Universal Limited IPO Subscription News

On day two of the Sheetal Universal IPO, the subscription status is 20.29 times. Retail investors, whose share was subscribed 22.57 times, and non-institutional purchasers, whose piece was subscribed 14 times, responded favorably to the issue.

32,28,000 shares are on offer, however the corporation has received offers for 6,55,62,000 shares instead.The subscription status for Sheetal Universal IPO was 4.68 times per day.

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